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PMI Membership Alert!

Member Articles

No grace period to renew.

Changes to the PMI® ecommerce site created issues for members since April 2020.  Previously, membership which lapsed but were subsequently renewed within "reasonable" time were processed normally without an additional fee. Currently,  if our PMI® membership expires, even if we renew the day after expiration we will need to re-join and pay the $10 application fee in addition to the $129 membership fee (for individuals).  Solution:  Be sure to renew well before the last day of the month or turn on Automatic Renewal.

PMI® memberships renewals may not include chapter renewals.

The new site no longer adds chapter renewal to the cart while manually renewing. Members had to remember to add Honolulu, Hawaii chapter or go back in and add it separately. This only applies to those on manual renewals.  PMI HQ is working to fix. Solution:  Be sure to check that the cart includes your local chapter or turn on Automatic Renewal for both PMI® and Honolulu, Hawaii Chapter.

Ready to turn on automatic renewal?  Here's how:

Go to https://my.pmi.org/ Login as a member. On the top menu, select Profile. On the left menu select Membership Automatic Renewal.


Turn On for global click the TURN ON button.  It will change to show Automatic Renewal is ON.


If needed, enter payment details.  Then scroll down the page to turn on for chapter by clicking the radio button.


Be sure to click Update Chapter Renewal Status!  Done! 


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On-Demand Access to 2021 PDW

Registration Open Now through April 2022
